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Sunday, May 8, 2011


He left. Or rather, I pushed him out. Kind of, I guess...
I don't even know anymore. He told me he wasn't happy in his life in general right now. He said he didn't know whether I was the reason behind that or not. He said I liked him more than he liked me.

I cried and cried and cried. I told him i'd give him his space until he figured things out. He could text me and call me and talk to me first.

We haven't talked in several days. There hasn't been a single day in the past 7 months when I haven't talked to him.

And so I'm waiting. Waiting once again until he decides he wants me as much as I want him. I've been here too many times before.

I've been useless. I go out and put on a happy face, but i'm empty inside. When I'm alone I just sleep. I haven't eaten since my one meal on friday.

I just want him back.


  1. Sorry to hear you are feeling down & I hope that he reaches out to you soon & you guys figure things out!

  2. That is so sad I'm thinking of you and hope things work out the way you want, its never easy fully understanding how you must be feeling
    love always
    Wilted~Rose @}~>~
